1947-1948 Academic Catalog

OFFICERS OF A D M I NISTRAT ION OF FI C ERS OF ADM I N I STRA TION O ffi cers of t he Col lege President, Ira D . Vayhinger Dean, C. W. Steele Dean of Men, Mendell E . Beattie Dean of Women, Helen Hooven Santmyer Secretary to the President, Acting Registrar, Mrs. Betty Ryan Secretary of the College, Mrs. J ane Stover Director of Greene County Libraries, Ruth E. Dennis Librarian, Mary Williamson Farm Manager, Milton A. Belle Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, John Blazer GENERAL INFORMATION 7 Location.-Cedarville College, Cedarville, Greene County, Ohio, is situated in the Miami River Valley, noted for its natura~ beauty. The community is outstanding for its fine public schools, good churches, sturdy citizens, and hospitable homes. The friendship and quiet of a small town and the convenience of access to near-by cities combine to make Cedar".ille an ideal location for a small Christian college. The Pennsylvania Railroad and two bus lines provide con– nections for all points. Xenia, Springfield, Dayton, Columbus, and Cincinnati are near-by cities. History .-The Cedarville College was founded by the Reformed Presbyterian Church arid was granted a charter by the State of Ohio in 1887. It opened September 19, 1894. In 1928 the General Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church unanimously voted to transfer "all control, ownership, title and vested property rigp.ts of The Cedarville College" to the Board of Trustees of the College, "and their successors forever." Since 1928, the Board, a majority of whoi;n must be members of the Presbyterian Church, have operated the College. In 1913 the Theological Seminary of the Reformed Presbyterian Church was moved to Cedarville where for over a quarter of a cen– tury it has operated in close cooperation with the College. During its fifty-two years, Cedarville has drawn to its halls students from all parts of the United States and elsewhere in the world, and its influence has spread, through its graduates, throughout the world, especially in the fields of education and religion.