1948-1949 Academic Catalog

SPECIAL OCCASIONS Homecoming - Cedarville College Homecoming is observed annually. Events of Homecoming include a dinner served by the Ladies Advisory Board, a short program provided by students and alumni, and a foot– ball game with some traditional rival. An increasing numbers of stu– dents, faculty members, alumni, and friends of the college gather for this d~y each year. Alumni Meeting - On the evening before Commencement Day, it is the custom for the alumni to hold their annual business meeting' and dinner in the Alford Memorial Gymnasium. Cedar Day, observed annually on Wednesday of Commencement Week. Class stunts and songs, folk dances, and a May Pole dance constitute pa].'t of the program. The Cedar Day Queen anq. Orator, selected from t}le Senior Class, share the honors of the day.. An afternoon baseball game is another feature. Commencement - Commencement exercises climax the year's work. This is, of course, made the crowning day of the school year, with the awarding of degrees and academic honors for the year. A promipent guest is the Commencement speaker. RELIGIOUS LIFE Chapel - Students and faculty participate in religious exercises in the College~ chapel regularly. Students are expected to attend. It is the effort ,rf those in charge to keep the chapel services closely related to student life. Ministers from various denominations and faiths are invited to speak. At least once each year a series of sermons are given on one theme. During the first semester of 1947'...: 1948 the Rev.. Hugh Ash, Jr., of the First Presbyterian Church, Xenia, presented the series, choosing the toflic, "What Can I Beli eve ?" The _chapel committee also attempts to bring men outstanding in many fields to share their experiences with the students and faculty of Cedarville. Sherwood Eddy, noted lecturer and author, and Nilkanth Charve, United Nation del.egate from Hindusthan were among the chapel sp.eakers of 1947. Both facul ty and students members serve on the chapel committee and the various organizations present chapel programs each semester. The following regulations govern attendance. 1. Attendance as assembly on Mondays and chapel on Wednes– days will be required. 2. Assembly will be under the direction of the student council. Chapel will be religious in nature. 3. Students who are in regular attendance at f.lSSembly and chapel (with not more than four absences per semester (\Without valid excuse) will receive one-half hour credit per semester. 4. One hour chapel credit per resident year will be required of all candidates for degrees . diplomas or certificates for teaching. If upon application for such degree, diploma or certificate a student has failed to attend chapel in any semester h_e will be required to make up that deficit by one hour extra work. 5. Any student who does not plan to graduate from Cedarville ollege but expects to transfer and who fails to attend the required 11