1948-1949 Academic Catalog
Admission of Special Students Special students not candidates for degrees or diplomas of gradu– ation will be admitted to the College upon such terms, and upon the presentation of such evidence of preparation for the courses pro– posed, as may be determined by the Faculty in each case. They may select their own course subject to the schedule of the semester and approval of the Faculty. They )Vill be subject to the general regula– tions of the College, and will be charged the regular fees of the de– partment in which their work is done. Admission of Veterans Cedarville College has been approved by the Veterans Administra– tion for the education of veterans under the provisions of Public Law 346 and Public Law 16. Admission requirements are the same for veterans as non-vet– erans. To register and receive the benefits of the G. I. Bill and Re– habil1tation Act the veteran must present a certificate of eligibility obtained thru his local veterans administration officer. A veteran transferring to Cedarville College must furnish a Sup– plementary Certificate of Eligibility. 1. before 2. 3. 4. Method of Registration Filing of certificate and record of High School work on or registrat!on day; Having your proposed studies approved by the registrar; P~.yment of all fees; Presentation of cards of admjssion to the instructors. Limits of Work No student will be permitted to take work for credit amounting to more than eighteen hours per week per semester, and no student, the majority of whose grades, reckoned in terms of 1 semester hours, for the preceding seme~ter was not A will be allowed to take work for credit amounting to more than sixteen hours per week per semester. A regularly enrolled student must take a minimum of hvel ve semester hours. 19
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