1948-1949 Academic Catalog
Different methods evaluate.cl; basic texts examined, vocabularies and tests studied; charts and lesson plans ma.de ; demonstrations given. Three hours, one semester. 3. Arithmetic Methods A study of the ·methods of teaching arithmetic in the first six grades, the _principles upon which they are based, and the influence of scientific studies upon the course of study and methods. Special emphasis on organization and presentation of lessons. Two hours, second semester. 4. Music Literature and Appreciation (Public School Music I ) The aim of this course is to develop an understanding and appre– ciation of music as an art; to acquaint the student with music litera– ture, the great composers, and the human values of music. Two hours credit, first semester. 5. Introduction To Music (Public School Music II ) A study of notation, sight singing, and ear training. Correct use of the singing voice and a repertory of material suit able for school use is emphasized. Two hours credit, second semester. 7. Social Science Methods Effective means of teaching history, geography, science and com– munity life in the light of modern__principles are studied. Three hours, one semester. 8. Elementary School Management The study of classroom organization and management .with spe– cial attention given to the relationship of "discipline" to interest, organization of materials and a program, professional tehics, r ela– tionship to pupils, colleag_ues, superiors, parents and commuinty. Two hours, one semester. 9. Activit y Program Demonstration and practice given in the activity program a s advocated by leaders in rGodern elementary education . Two hour s, one semester. 10 Educational Psychology (Elementary) The psychology of learning and individual differences applied to teaching the elementary school subjects. Three hours a week sec– ond semester. 11. Children's Literature A study, from _the literary and educational point of view, of the best literature for elementary school children, folk literature, ficti on, poetry. Emphasis on development of s~andards for selec~ing materi– ~ls. Three hours, on e semester. 13. Stories and Story Telling The technique of story telling studied, how t o sel ect and adapt stories to the elementary grades. Expression and voice work carr ied on individually. Actual practice given in ~elling stories to children. Three hours, one semester. 14. principles of Elementary Education A study of the aims and objectives of elementary education, the 30
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