1948-1949 Academic Catalog

psychological and biolQgical bases for present practices as to subject matter and methodology. Three hours, second semester. 15. Introduction To Education A guidance course designed to assist students in choosing their teachinz fields, and the qualifications Q.f personality and scholarship necessary for _uccess. Two hours a week, second semester. 16. Remedial Reading Detailed study of remedial methods and tests in elementary reading with spec~al attention given to methods advocated by rec– ognized authorities. Actual practice given in doing remedial work with children. Three hours, one semester. 17. History of Education A study of the evolution of Ame_rican educational ideals and practices, with special reference to the origin and development of those features of our present-day practices which are most char ac– teristically American. Designed for elementary t eachers. Three hours credit, first semester. 18. Music Education (Public School Music III) Development of the skills and methods a teacher needs to work effectively under supervision. Practice in conducting and planning materials for use is provided. Two hours credit, first semester. 19. Practical Art This course includes woodwork, metalwork, weaving, carving, and work with plastics. Three hours credit. 20. Health Activities Emphasis is placed on organizing material for teaching purposes to develop efficiency of pupils in grades one, two, and three. Three hours credit, one semester. 21. Public School Hygiene A professional subject matter course surveying health habits and col).ditions for efficiency of pu12_ils. Methods and devices are sug– gested for use in grades four, five, and six. Three hours credit, one semester. 22. Arithmetic A content course designed to make the ::ttudent proficient in the fundamental processes and their applications as related to the ele– mentary grades. Attention is given to the history of arithmetic. Teachin¥, methods are discussed as problems arise. Three. hours credit, one semester. 23. Student Teaching Teaching and observation for a total of fifteen weeks, in two different situations, one hour daily. Weekly conferences with super– visor and critic t eacher. Five hours credit. 24. Child Psychology This course will present the elements of child nature, individual differences, and the significance of early behavior patterns. Three hours, on~ semester. 25. Kindergarten-Primary Program Kindergarten-Primary technique in dealing with the child at 31