1948-1949 Academic Catalog

standard translations . Emphasis upon the epic, lyric poetry, drama and th~ pastoral because of their influ.cmce on English poetry. 'Qiis course counts toward an English major ; i t will be given when there is a request for it. Three hours a week, one semester. 23. History of P a inting A survey course in the history of painting, from prehistoric to modern times. The emphasis will be upon the relation of painting and English poetry, but the course will not count toward an English maj or . The course will be presented only when there is a request fo r it. Three h ours a week, one semester. Eng J" sh Liter<'tu r e of the Re~ torat ion a nd 18th Century . (Exclu– sive of drama and ficti on. ) Queen Anne P rose : Swift and His Contemporaries. The Age of J ohnson (Exclusive of the novel) HISTORY History : Professors Steele, F. Carlson, Edington Six semester hours of history are required of all candidates for degrees. A minor of fifteen hours fulfills the minimum require– ment for certification by the state in the field of history. Three hours of political science must be included in the course of study of those intending to teach hist ory in high school. A minor in social studies must include at least one course in Ameri– can and one in European history. 1 Ancient History A rapid review of oriental, Greek, and Roman history. Three hour s cr ed it . One semester. 3 American: rational Period The a ims of the course a re to clarify pr evious knowledge, t o call att ention to economic movements, and to f urnish an added knowledge of civics. Three hours credit. 4 American: Colonial Period About half of the emphasis is placed upon the origins of our po– lit ica l institutions , both local and national. Three hours cr edit. 5 European History To 18th Century. Or;gin and growth of na tions with emphasis on development of western European civilization. Required of students t aki ng elementary education. Thr ee hours, first semester. 6 Europ~an His tory From beginning of the 1 th Century to present t ime. Continues course 5. Open to studen ts who have had CO'.lrse 5 and to advanced students . Reauired of t hose pursuing elementary education. Three hours, second semester. 7 English History Three hours a week . One semester. Not given every year. 12 History of Latin America A survey of the political and social history of the Latin Amer ican 34