1948-1949 Academic Catalog

Piano, Voice or Organ One private lesson per week ---------------------– One class lesson per week -----------------------– Children's Piano Lessons (private) ---------------------- Class lesson -----------------------------------– Children's Theory Lessons -------------------------------– Chorus, G!ee Club, Quartet, or Trio -----------------------– Piano rental---------------------------------------------- PHILOSOPHY Philosophy: (Professor to be elected) 1 Principles of Philosophy 32.00 10.00 24.00 10.00 10.00" 2.00 5.00 Greek Philosophy, first and second periods; Philosophy of the Middle Ages, first and second periods; Modern Philosophy, first, sec– ond, third and fourth periods. Three hours a week, one semester. Required. 2 Logic Terms, propositions, syllogisms, fallacies. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 4 Ethics Theoretical and practical ethics. Virtues, freedom, duty and in– dividual and social obligations. Required. Three hours a week, one semester. PHYSICAL EDUCATIQN Physical Education: Professors Beattie and Pollock ~equirements for the recommendation for a certificate in the field of Health and Physical Education for both men and women. A. Biology or Zoology ------------------------------ 8 hours B. Anatomy or Physiology -------------------------- 4 hours 1 For the professional requirements in Physical Education A. The Principles of Physical Education ---------- 3 hours B. Organization and Administration of Physical Edu- cation including Athletics and Recreation -------- 3 hours 2 Skills and methods of teaching rhythms, games of low organization, stunts, tumbling, recreational group activi- ties and elementary school activities ---------------- 4 hours 3 Skills and methods of teaching athletic sports including hockey, tennis, golf, track, swimming, volleyball, baseball, football, soccer, and others commonly used in secondary and college programs ------------------------------------ 4 hours 4 School Health Education including principles, organiza– tion and methods in school health. education and courses in personal and community hygiene, athletic injuries and first aid-------------------------------------------- 8 hours Total- --------------------- 22 hours 1-2 Physical Education Activity courses required of all freshmen. The activities are planned to improve the health and physical well-being of each stu- 43