1948-1949 Academic Catalog
ing both the aliphatic and aromatic series. Elective. Two hours lec– ture and two three-hour laboratory periods per week throughout the year. Prerequisite, CheI]listry 1-2. Four credit hours. 9-10 Qualitative Analysis Comprises all those procedures necessary for determining the composition of any given substance. Class work deals with solution of solubility product and other advanced problems. Elective. Two hours class and two three-hour laboratory periods per week. Pre– :;_ '-'<J.uisittl, Lihemistry 1-2, Mathematics 5. Four credit hours. 11. Qualitative Analysis -Short Course Same as 9-10 except rp.ore brief. Same pre-requisites. One Se– mester only. Four credit hours. Not given every year. Physics: Professor Elwood Shaw 1-2 General Physics A study of the laws of mechanics and heat as bassed on the atomic theory, first semester. Seconq semester a study of the laws of elec– tricity, sound, and light. E'lective. Two class periods and two two– hour laboratory periods per week. Prerequisite, -Math 5 and 6. Four credit hours. 3 Fundamentals of Radio Basic material of radio required for all types of radio work both civil and military. Prerequisites, Physics 1 and 2, Math 5. PSYCHOLOGY Psychology: Professor to be elected 1 General Psychology Consciousness, sensatiop., perception, memory, feelings, imagina– tion, thought, reasoning and the will. Required. Should be taken be– fore Junior year. Three hours a week, one semester. 2 Adolescence A scientific study of the develovment of the adolescent mind . and life. Various texts and lectures. Elective. Two hours a week, one semester. 4 Exverimental Psychology Elementary experiments in the various phases of conscious phe– nomena. Elective. Prerequisite. General Psychology. Three hours a week, one semester. RELIGION Religion: Professor Jurkat 2 General Course in Missions The problems, possibilities, means and obligations of evangeliz– ing the world and the motives, aims, and methods of the foreign mis– sio11-ary. Elective. Two hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. Required of Seminary students. 46
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