1948-1949 Academic Catalog

5-6 Religious Education A study of Pedagogy, History, Curricula, Principles, Organiza– tion, and Administration of Religious Education. Three hours through– out the year. 7-8 Bible Theology A study of the facts of revelation in the Scriptures and the de– velopment of doctrines of the Bible. Two hours a week throughout the year. Required of candidates for the Gospel Ministry. 9-10 Systematic Theology _ The study of the science of God and of relations between God and the universe. Three hours a week for three years. Required of all candidates for the Gospel Ministry. 11-12 Pastoral Theology A study of the character and conduct of ministers of the Gospel and their relations to the church in particular a.nd general. Two hours a week throughout the year. Required of candidates for the Minis– try of the Gospel. 13-14 Church Gove.rnment A study of church law and its application to members, congrega– tions, and the larger organizations of the Church. Two hours a week, one semester. Re<:uired of all candidates for the ministry. SOCIAL STUDIES Economics: Professor Steele 1. Principles of Economi~ Production, exchange, distribution and consumption, labor, capi– tal, assoc_iation, money, credit, commerce, collectivism, co-operation, wages, interest, and profits. Elective. Three hours a week through– out the year. Not given every year. 2. The Science of Business Value, rent, interest, banking, foreign trade, profits. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Prerequisite, 1. Not given every year. 3. Economic History of the United States Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. 4. Business Law Three hours a week, QJ1e semester. Open to students who have had Economics 1, and to advanced students. Not given every year. Geography: Professor to he elected. 1. Principles of Geography Consideration of the elements of natural environment, such as climate, soils, r elief, natural resources, etc., and their relation to the economic life of map. Three hours, first semester. 2. EconoJnie Geography A study of man's activities in the production of economic com- 47