1948-1949 Academic Catalog
terpretation of the same. Solution of present-day problems consid– ered. Prerequisite, Sociology 1. Three hours a week, one semester. Required of students pursuing the elementary education course. 8 The Church and Society Elective. This course deals with the relations of church to social reconstruction. The value of humanity exceeds that of profit. Three hours, one semester. Not given every year. 9 Eugenics An elective course in Applied Eugenics for advanced students. A study of the practical means by which society may encourage the reproduction of superior persons a12..d discourage that of inferior types. Three hours a week. 10 Race Relations Elective. A st!ldY of race relationships with special attention to the problem in the United States. Open to advanced students only. Three hours a week. SPEECH Speech: Professors Rife and Jurkat 1 Fundamentals of Speech A study of the fundamental principles of effective speaking with practice in the preparation and delivery of original speeches. Two hours a week, first semester. Required. 2 Effective Speech for Every Occasion A more advan~ed treatment of Speech by combining the essen– tial principles of effective speaking with the study of various types of speeches which illustrate the application of those principles to special occasions. Three hours a week, second semester. Elective. 3 Debate Group discussion on timely questions. Study of argumentation, analysis, evidence, persuasion, brief-drawing, extemperaneous argu– ments. First semester. Two hours credit. Prerequisites, 1. 4 Debate Continuation of 3 with inter-collegiate debating. One hour credit. Prerequisite, 3. 5 Dramatics Introduction to study of technique of acting (and actors). Study of American drama. Participation in 3 act play. Two hours per week, first semester. Elective. 6 Dramatics Interpretation of Drama. Study, writing, producing of the one– act play. Two hours per week, second semester. Elective. Prerequisite, 5. 7 Teaching of Speech Introduction to problems of Speech instruction in high school, extra-curricular Speech activities. Fi~e hours per week, either se– mester. Elective. 49
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