1949-1950 Academic Catalog
ADMISSION OF VETERANS Cedarville College has been approved by the Veterans Administration for the education of veterans under the provisions of Public Law 346 and Public Law 16. Admission requirements are the same for veterans as non-veterans. To register and receive the benefits of the G. I. Bill and Rehabilitation Act the veteran must present a certificate of eligibility obtained through his local veterans administration officer. A veteran transferring to Cedarville College must furnish a Supplemen tary Certificate of Eligibility. METHOD OF REGISTRATION 1. Filing of certificate and record of High School work on or before reg istration day; 2. Having your proposed studies approved by the registrar; 3. Payment of all fees; 4. Presentation of cards of admission to the instructors. LIMITS OF “WORK” The normal college load is 16 semester hours. No student will be per mitted to take work for credit amounting to more than eighteen hours per semester, and no student, the majority of whose grades reckoned in terms of semester hours, for the preceding semester were below A or B will be allowed to take work for credit amounting to more than sixteen hours per semester. A regularly enrolled student must take a minimum of twelve semester hours. Faculty permission must be had to carry over 18 hours of work. SESSIONS Regular Sessions - Cedarville College operates on the semester system, offering two eighteen-week terms in the regular school year. Summer School Sesssions - Two sessions of summer school are offered. Each runs five weeks, six days each week. Six to eight semester hours may be earned in each of these sessions or a total of from twelve to sixteen collegiate credits for both sessions. The courses given during summer school depend on the demand or the needs of the students. Opportunity will be given for practice teaching in the elementary field. Since the facilities are limited it is desirable that anyone interested in earning credit in prac tice teaching make early application so that a place may be provided. Extension Courses (See Extension study elsewhere in catalog.) 20
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