1949-1950 Academic Catalog
Fourth Year FIRST SEMESTER SECOND SEMESTER Hours per week Hours per week Student T ea ch in g ............................ 5 Student Teaching ............................ 5 Economics . . ................................. 3 Sr. Conference.................................. 3 Electives ......................................... 8 Tests and Measurements............... 2 Electives ........................... 6 or 7 30 electives from: Psychology, Mathematics, Science, Foreign Language, Physical Education, Social Science, English, Art, Music, Kindergarten, Primary Methods, and other subjects we have. The electives in the above curriculum must include academic prepara tion in at least three teaching subjects of not less than 15 semester hours each in conformance to the requirements prescribed by the State Depart ment of Education. A list of these requirements may be obtained by apply ing at the college office. 28
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