1949-1950 Academic Catalog

Fourth Year FIRST SEMESTER SECOND SEMESTER Hours per week Hours per week Student T ea ch in g ............................ 5 Student Teaching ............................ 5 Economics . . ................................. 3 Sr. Conference.................................. 3 Electives ......................................... 8 Tests and Measurements............... 2 Electives ........................... 6 or 7 30 electives from: Psychology, Mathematics, Science, Foreign Language, Physical Education, Social Science, English, Art, Music, Kindergarten, Primary Methods, and other subjects we have. The electives in the above curriculum must include academic prepara­ tion in at least three teaching subjects of not less than 15 semester hours each in conformance to the requirements prescribed by the State Depart­ ment of Education. A list of these requirements may be obtained by apply­ ing at the college office. 28