1949-1950 Academic Catalog

in the spring of the year. Two lectures, two-two hour laboratory periods per week. Four hours credit. 221 & 222 General Zoology A course continuing throughout the year in which a general survey is made of the animal kingdom with emphasis upon taxonomy, anatomy, physiology, histology, life histories, and heredity in animals. Both invertebrates and vertebrates are studied and laboratory dissection required. Two lectures, two-two hour laboratory periods per week. Four hours credit. Required of pre-med students. Upper Division or Advanced Courses These are not given every year andare to be arranged with the instructor when there is a sufficient demand for them. 301 Animal Ecology A study of animals in relation to their environment. Lectures, field trips and laboratory amounting to two period per week. Two hours credit. 311 Entomology A general introduction to the study of insects in which collections are made and interest is focused upon identification, classification, life histories, metamorphases, and economic importances. Prerequisite is Zoology 221- 222. 2 two hour laboratory periods per week. Four hours credit. 401 Embryology A study of animal development from fertilization until hatching or birth. Emphasis is. placed upon vertebrate development and particular attention is given to laboratory observations of the chick and pig. Prerequisite is Zool­ ogy 221-222. 2 two hour laboratory periods per week. Four hours credit. Required of pre-med students. 402 Comparative Anatomy A comparative study of vertebrate anatomy with emphasis upon s tu d y of the.gradual modifications invertebrates such as the shark, frog,pigeon, and cat. Extensive dissection required. Prerequisite is Zoology 221-222. 2 two hour laboratory periods per week. Four hours credit. Required of pre- med students. 411 Genetics and Organic Evolution Lectures, laboratory work, and readings constitute the work of this course in order to acquaint the student with a thorough knowledge of the mechanism of heredity and its importance in the production of species. Application is made to man and his civilization. Three hours credit. Prerequisite is eight hours of Zoology and eight hours of Botany. 420 Special Problems in Biology Advanced students with the permission of the instructor may earn 1 to 2 semester hours credit in pursuing an assigned problem. Prerequisite is 20 hours of biology 30