1949-1950 Academic Catalog
312 Milton An intensive study of Milton’ s poetry in relation to the development of types of poetry: the Minor Poems in relation to the pastoral, the elegy, the Masque; Paradise Lost in relation to the epic, particularly to Dante's In ferno; and Samson Ogonistes in relation to Greek drama. Three hours credit. Representative novels )m the beginning of the written novel to the pres ent day are read and discussed. Three hours credit. 322 English Poetry of the 19th Century A critical study of the Romantic and Victorian poets, with emphasis on Wordsworth and Browning. Three hours credit. 331 Queen Anne Prose: Swift and His Contemporaries 332 The Age of Johnson (Exclusive of the novel) 341 English Literature of the Restoration and 18th Century (Exclusive of drama and fiction) 401 Greek Literature in Translation The study of masterpieces of Greek literature by means of standard translations. Emphasis upon the epic, lyric poetry, drama and the pastoral because of their influence on English poetry. This course counts toward an English major; it will be given when there is a request for it. Three hours credit. 402 History of Painting A survey course in the history of painting, from prehistoric to modern times. The emphasis will be upon the relation of painting and English poetry, but the course will not count toward an English major. The course will be presented only when there is a request for it. Three hours credit. 411 Seminar in English Literature Open to English majors who have completed or will have completed at the end of the semester, 24 hours in the department, and who are judged com petent to do independent work, by the head of the department. Each student in the seminar course will be expected to develop and independent research or critical project approved by the professor in charge. 101 Europe to 1725 Development of western civilization from the decline of Rome to about 1725. The heritage of Hellenic and earlier civilizations is reviewed briefly. Emphasis is upon the development of the state and other modern institutions. Three hours credit. 102 Europe from 1725 Pre-requisite is 101. A continuation of 101. The development of revolu- 321 English Novel HISTORY Professors Steele, Edington, F. Carlsen 35
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