1949-1950 Academic Catalog

211 Differential Calculus Derivatives, rates, velocity, acceleration, maxima and minima, points of inflection, curve tracing, curvature, series, parametric equations. Pre­ requisite: Math 150. Five hours credit. 212 Intebral Calculus Single and double integration, areas, lengths of curves, surfaces, volumes. Prerequisite: Math 211 (Math 210 recommended). Five hours credit. 310 Methods in Mathematics Methods in teaching mathematics in junior and senior high schools. In­ cludes higher arithmetic, elementary and advanced algebra, plane and solid geometry, and plane trigonometry. Prerequisite: a minor in mathematics. Two hours credit. 320 History of Mathematics History of the development of modern mathematics. Prominent math­ ematicians of the past and their contributions to the mathematics of today. Prerequisite: Math 212. Two hours credit. 330 Spherical Trigonometry Development of formulas concerning triangles and other polygons on the surface of a sphere. Prerequisite: Math 130. Two hours credit. 340 Theory of Equations Algebraic colusion of cubic, quartic, and higher equations; approximate determination of roots by Horner’s and Newton’s methods. Prerequisite: Math 212. Three hours credit. 410 Advanced Calculus Advanced theories and calculations in differential and inegral calculus; especially useful for majors inmathematics, physical sciences, and engineer - ing. Prerequisite: Math 212. Three hours credit. 420 Differential Equations Linear, second order, exact, and partial differential equations and t h e i r applications. Prerequisite: Math 212. Three hours credit. MUSIC Professor M. Huish 51 Children’s Piano Classes High school or grade pupils will be accepted individually if they are ad­ vanced, or in classes if beginners. Sufficient practice and steady progress are factors in granting credit. One 45-minute lesson per week. One hour credit. 10T Music Appreciation I Orientation into the general field of music by learning to listen to Na­ tional Music, the History of Music and the pre-dominant composers, the instruments of the orchestra and the opera and oratorio, listening tests on radio and victrola. Two hours credit. 41