1949-1950 Academic Catalog
211 Differential Calculus Derivatives, rates, velocity, acceleration, maxima and minima, points of inflection, curve tracing, curvature, series, parametric equations. Pre requisite: Math 150. Five hours credit. 212 Intebral Calculus Single and double integration, areas, lengths of curves, surfaces, volumes. Prerequisite: Math 211 (Math 210 recommended). Five hours credit. 310 Methods in Mathematics Methods in teaching mathematics in junior and senior high schools. In cludes higher arithmetic, elementary and advanced algebra, plane and solid geometry, and plane trigonometry. Prerequisite: a minor in mathematics. Two hours credit. 320 History of Mathematics History of the development of modern mathematics. Prominent math ematicians of the past and their contributions to the mathematics of today. Prerequisite: Math 212. Two hours credit. 330 Spherical Trigonometry Development of formulas concerning triangles and other polygons on the surface of a sphere. Prerequisite: Math 130. Two hours credit. 340 Theory of Equations Algebraic colusion of cubic, quartic, and higher equations; approximate determination of roots by Horner’s and Newton’s methods. Prerequisite: Math 212. Three hours credit. 410 Advanced Calculus Advanced theories and calculations in differential and inegral calculus; especially useful for majors inmathematics, physical sciences, and engineer - ing. Prerequisite: Math 212. Three hours credit. 420 Differential Equations Linear, second order, exact, and partial differential equations and t h e i r applications. Prerequisite: Math 212. Three hours credit. MUSIC Professor M. Huish 51 Children’s Piano Classes High school or grade pupils will be accepted individually if they are ad vanced, or in classes if beginners. Sufficient practice and steady progress are factors in granting credit. One 45-minute lesson per week. One hour credit. 10T Music Appreciation I Orientation into the general field of music by learning to listen to Na tional Music, the History of Music and the pre-dominant composers, the instruments of the orchestra and the opera and oratorio, listening tests on radio and victrola. Two hours credit. 41
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