1949-1950 Academic Catalog
and pieces make up the student’ s repertoire. Hymn playing, sight reading, and accompanying are also insisted upon. Credit is granted only upon visi ble progress and sufficient practicing. One 45-minute lesson per week. One-half hour credit. (All four years) 140-141 Mixed Chorus A large robed chorus or choir is maintained for rendering special musi cal numbers at college functions, for the annual Christmas musical, and special Easter services. Open to anyone possessing a natural singing voice and the ability to read voice parts. Soprano, alto, tenor, bass. Two re hearsals per week. One-half hour credit. 150-151 Girl’ s Glee Club (an organized club) Three-part women’ s voices are used, rendering music in a lighter vein for recitals or public performances. The Glee Club uniform is a gold sweater with a blue “C” and a navy blue skirt. For regularly enrolled col lege students. Two rehearsals per week. One-half hour credit. 160-161 Men’ s Quartet The college quartet maintains a large repertoire of classical, romantic, and humorous numbers for public performances. Two rehearsals per week. One-half hour credit. 170-171 Girl’ s Trio A girl’ s trio presenting light, popular numbers for special programs will be offered to any three girls whose voices harmonize. Two rehearsals per week. One-half hour credit. 201 Composition The student is now ready to begin serious composition finding his own particular style and medium through experimenting with various forms. Private lessons. Pre-requisite courses, 4, 5, 6, 7. Two hours credit. 301 Counterpoint The art of adding melody to melody emphasizing three and four voiced part, up to eight part counterpoint. Pre-requisite courses 4, 5, 6, 7. Two hours credit. 302 Piano teaching methods A course for those who have had a good foundation in piano and wish to become piano teachers. The teacher’ s equipment, rules, regulation and principles will be studied. Lists of graded music will be given, and how to proceed. One hour class and one hour practice teaching. 303 Radio performance Offered to any who has a fairly large repertoire such as singers, organists, or pianists, The single feature program will be studied from the research angle. The continuity program will form a basis for the development and presentation of many programs. Opportunity to do broadcasting at nearby stations will be offered. Two hours credit. 43
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