1952-1953 Academic Catalog

10 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Recreation Hall. The "Rec Building" was also given to the college by the government at the close of the war, and was rebuilt on the campus close to College Hall, where it can be used between classes as lounge, study, game-room and general meeting place. Here faculty and students come for eleven o'clock coffee; here student organizations meet in the evenings and informal parties are held, and here the television set is a center of attraction at all times. Recreation Hall also houses the College Co-op where students may purchase school supplies and such necessities as Freshmen caps. STUDENT ACTIVITIES Student Government. All student activities are carried on under student leadership and planning with the advice of elected faculty repre, sentatives. The Student Council is composed of an elected representative from each of the four classes, and a student council president elected from the study body by popular vote. The Student Council is responsible, under the supervision of the administration, for student discipline. It is represented on the social committee and assists in the planning of a social calendar for the year. When the student body has suggestions or re, quests to make, or protests or objections to present, for administrative judgment or faculty action, it is represented by the Student Council. Election to this group is considered a distinct honor, and the president is recognized as the leader of the student body. Musical Organizations. Musical activities are varied and many at Cedarville College. The college music department sponsors a choral so, ciety that performs at various school functions throughout the year. Students are encouraged to take part in trios, quartets and other musical groups. Dramatics. All students of acceptable academic standing are invited to become members of the Dramatics Club. Participation in its activities provides opportunities for developing their abilities not only to students who like acting, but also to those who enjoy a "back-stage" atmosphere enough to work on lights, scene painting and costuming. Short plays are presented at the College at intervals during the year. Fraternities and Sororities. Cedarville College believes in the high purposes and functions of fraternities and sororities. Very definite rules regarding the scholarship of members, pledging procedure, the regulation of social functions, which come under the jurisdiction of the social com, mittee, and the conduct of the Greek letter organizations have been set up and are enforced by the faculty. There is one local Greek letter or, ganization and a chapter of a national fraternity at Cedarville. Social Calendar. Social events are planned and placed on the calendar ~y the Social Committee, which is composed of representatives of the Student Council, class presidents, and the members of the faculty Social