1952-1953 Academic Catalog
GENERAL INFORMATION 11 Committee. Requests for dates are handed to this committee by the vari, ous organizations, and class parties, informal and formal dances, dramatic events, pep rallies are scheduled so as not to interfere with each other and so as to be evenly spaced throughout a semester. Students are also encouraged to take part in the social events of Cedarville's church-sponsored young people's groups. Publications. The undergraduate publications sponsored by Cedar, ville College are written by students under the supervision of a Director of Publicity. "The Whispering Cedars", a semi,monthly publication, is written and edited by the students for the students. This college newspaper in, eludes general items of interest, society, class, extra,curricular and sports news, student editorials and 'letters to the editor'. "The Cedarville College Bulletin", issued periodically, carries news of Cedarville's work to a large mailing list of alumni and friends through, out the country. The bulletin is edited and published by the Director of Publicity, together with the help of students who are journalistically inclined. "The Cedrus", which is the college yearbook, crystallizes each year's activities into permanent literary and pictorial form. It serves as a per, manent reminder to the student of the events that are crowded into the school year, and of the day,to,day activities that seem unimportant but are pleasant to remember. ATHLETICS THE COLLEGE includes health, physical efficiency and recreational activi, ties among the several objectives of higher education. It has therefore made provisions for physical education and athletic activities. Physical Education is required of all students during their freshman and sophomore years, unless a student is specifically excused by the faculty or on recommendation of a physician. Activities in these classes are con, :fined to calisthenics, group games, relays and related work. Ample facilities have been provided for athletics, including all the indoor and outdoor sports for both men and women. Alford Memorial Gymnasium houses the indoor sports. The College Field contains a regu, lar gridiron around which a 1/4. mile track is proposed. An excellent baseball diamond provides ample playing area for this popular spring sport. Adjacent to the Gym is the women's athletic field and the com, munity roque court, one of the finest of its kind. Cedarville College maintains intercollegiate athletics competition in football, basketball, baseball, track and tennis. Intramural programs are carried on in these activities and in volleyball, ping,pong, tennis, and roque. edarville College is a member of the Mid,Ohio Intercollegiate
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