1952-1953 Academic Catalog

Honors and Awards DEAN'S HONOR LIST Until final awards are announced at commencement, the highest academic honor it is possible to attain at Cedarville is to be included on the Dean's honor list. This list of high-ranking students is published at the end of each regular semester and at the end of the second summer session. The requirements for the Dean's Honor List are as follows: (1) A student must have an average for the semester of 3.5 merit points which are earned as explained above: each hour of ..A,, receives 4 merit points; each hours of ..B", 3 merit points; each hour of ..C", 2 merit points; each hour of ..D", 1 merit point. The average is arrived at by totaling the number of merit points and dividing the total by the number of hours the student is carrying. (2) A student must have no grade for the semester lower than a ''B''. (3) A student must carry a minimum of 12 semester hours of college work. (4) A student must complete every course he is taking by the end of the semester, when grades are turned in by the faculty. Any grade of ..incomplete" will preclude a student's candidacy for the Dean's Honor List. CEDARVILLE COLLEGE CROWN CLUB In 1920 an honor society, called the Cedarville College Crown Club, was established to which members are elected by the faculty on the basis of excellence in scholarship. ( 1) A Junior or Senior who for two semes– ters, not necessarily consecutive, has acquired a grade of A in all of his studies may be elected to membership in this society. (2) One who in four semesters has obtained not more than one grade of B in each semester, all other grades being A , may be elected to membership. (3) A student may be elected to membership upon graduation after a full four– year course, provided he has no grade below B and three-fourths of his grades are A . ( 4) Students who have taken part of their college course in other institutions are eligible to the society by either of the first two standards given above, but not by the third. Upon election to this society the student is presented with a gold pin in the design of a crown similar to that in the seal of the College, and bearing the letters C.C.C .C. 25