1952-1953 Academic Catalog

50 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 460 STUDENT TEACHING AT THE SECONDARY LEVEL Observation and teaching of high school classes under intensive super, vision. Weekly seminar and individual conferences are a required part of the course. Students desiring to do student teaching must meet the prescribed academic and other requirements, and must have the recom, mendation of their major advisor and the approval of the head of the department of education. Application to do student teaching must be made during the period of the second semester of the junior year. Six hours credit. ENGLISH 90 REMEDIAL ENGLISH Remedial English for students deficient in reading ability and in know, ledge of English grammar. The course will include practice in reading, and a review of English grammar, with practice in parsing, analysis and diagramming, and enough writing to encourage good English habits. No credit. 101,102 FRESHMAN ENGLISH A course intended to develop in the student the power to express him, self correctly, to think accurately, and to write effectively. Three hours credit for each semester. Required. 201,202 ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SURVEY Required of all candidates for a degree. A study of the development of these literatures, by period and type directed toward developing in the student both knowledge of literature and critical judgment. English literature first semester. American literature the second semester. Three hours credit for each course. Required. 203 EARLY ENGLISH LITERATURE A study of the literature of England from Anglo-Saxon times to the Renaissance, with emphasis on the 14th century, particularly the poetry of Chaucer. This course may be substituted for 201 by English majors; it is open to any student who has completed 201,202. Three hours credit. 210 ADVANCED GRAMMAR Open to students who have completed English 101-102, and who plan to major in English with the intention of teaching that subject in high school. The purpose of the course is to give prospective teachers a thor, ough knowledge of English grammar, including its most controversial problems, its changing trends, etc., as a background for teaching. Three hours credit.