1952-1953 Academic Catalog

DEPAR'TMEN'TS AND COURSES 53 321 , 322 ADVANCED FRENCH A course for students who have had course 301-302. This course is arranged to meet the needs of students who wish a major in French. Three hours credit per semester. GERMAN 101 , 102 BEGINNING GERMAN Constant drill in inflection and syntax, and both oral and written work required. Four hours credit per semester. 201 READING AND COMPOSITION The work consists of easy stories and drills in composition and syntax. Four hours credit. 202 WILHELM TELL The course offers drill in poetry and stories and drills in composition and syntax. Four hours credit. 301 HEINE Harzreise and poems are read, with study of politics and society. Three hours credit. Not given every year. 311 -312 ADVANCED GERMAN For advanced students who have t aken the previous courses. Arranged each year in accordance with the needs of the students. 32 1 SCIENTIFIC GERMAN Three hours credit. Not given every year. 322 GoETHE's FAUST Four hours credit. Not given every year. GREEK 101, 102 B EGINNING GREEK Paradigms, rules, and exercises in t ranslation. Four hours credit per semester. 201 A NABASIS Translation, synt, x, composition, with historical references. Four hours credit. 202 HOM R Books I to IV of the Iliad, scanning, mythology, synt ax. Fours hours cred1t.