1952-1953 Academic Catalog

54 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 303 , 304 GREEK NEW TESTAME T New Testament Greek, emphasizing peculiarities of form, and exegesis with a rapid reading of various portions. 2 semesters. Three hours credit per semester. 403 -404 GREEK EXEGESIS Analytical interpretation from a Greek viewpoint. 2 semesters. Three hours credit per semester. HEBREW 101- 102 HEBREW A thorough drill is given in etymology, syntax, and paradigms. Four hours credit per semester. 201 -202 ADVANCED HEBREW Three hours credit per semester. LATIN 101-102 ELEMENTARY LATIN Grammar and exercise. Four hours credit per semester. 201,202 ELEMENTARY LATIN AND CAESAR Continuation of grammar, and four books of Caesar. Four hours credit per semester. 301,302 CICERO' S ORATIONS Four hours credit per semester. 311 -312 VIRGIL Reading from the Aeneid. Four hours credit per semester. 321 CICERO De Amicitia and De Senectute, with a review of inflected forms and syntax. Three hours credit. Not given every year. 331 HORACE Copious selections from the Odes, Satires, and Epistles are made the basis for a study of Latin Poetry. Three hours credit. Not given every year. 371 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION Open to those wishing a major or minor in Latin. Two to four hours credit.