1952-1953 Academic Catalog
DEPAR'TMEN.'TS AND COURSES 59 301 HISTORY OF Omo Prerequisite, 114. Rise and progress of political and social institutions in Ohio from the time of exploration. Offered alternate years. Two hours credit. 305,306 CHURCH HISTORY A study of the history, origin, development, and tenets of denominations and sects of the Christian Church. Offered on sufficient demand. Three hours credit per semester. 310 TEACHING OF HISTORY AND CIVICS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS Modern methods of teaching history and civics in junior and senior high schools. Prerequisite: a major or minor in history or social studies. Two hours credit. 311 SURVEY OF ENGLISH HISTORY Prerequisite, 206. A short history of England from the Roman occu, pation through World War II with emphasis on contributions made to western civilization. Alternate years. Three hours credit. 313 THE UNITED STATES (1900-1950) The political, social, and economic consequences of industrialism and world politics. Discussions, readings, and reports. Prerequisite 113,114. Offered alternate years. Three hours credit. 402 HISTORY OF RUSSIA Prerequisite, 206. A survey of Russian history from the ninth century to the present. Although studied in chronological order, the emphasis is on achieving some understanding of the policies and institutions of the U.S.S .R . Three hours credit. 410 PROBLEMS IN AMERICAN HISTORY A research course on individual topics. Prerequisite, fifteen hours of history including 113-114. Two-three hours credit. Either 410 or 420 required of majors. 420 PROBLEMS IN EUROPEAN HISTORY Prerequisite, fifteen hours of history including 205-206. Research in some problem of special interest to the student. Two-three hours credit.
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