1952-1953 Academic Catalog

62 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 302 ETHICS Theoretical and practical ethics. Virtues, freedom, duty, and individual and social obligations. Three credit hours. Required of all A. B. students. 304 PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION The origin, development, and nature of religion; the growth and under, standing of religious belief. Three credit hours. Elective. 401 LOGIC Terms, propositions, syllogisms, fallacies. Three credit hours. Elective. PHYSICAL SCIENCES CHEMISTRY 101-102 GENERAL CHEMISTRY An introduction to chemical principles and laboratory technique. A study of atomic and molecular structure as a basis for the study of the various elements and their compounds as to occurrence, properties, and use. Lecture two hours, laboratory two three-hour periods per week throughout year. Students work individually in laboratory. Prerequisite, high school algebra. Four credit hours. 201,202 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY A general introductory course of the carbon compounds including both the aliphatic and aromatic series. Two hours lecture and two three-hour laboratory periods per week throughout the year. Prerequisite, Chemistry 101-102. Four credit hours. 211 QUALITATI'>,:E ANALYSIS Comprises all those procedures necessary for determining the compo, sition of any given substance. Class work deals with solution of solu, bility product and other advanced problems. Two hours class and two three-hour laboratory periods per week. Prerequisite, Chemistry 101 , 102, Mathematics 120. Four credit hours. 301 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS The principles of gravimetric and volumetric analysis with the solution of practical laboratory problems. Two three-hour laboratory periods and two classes per week. Prerequisite, Chemistry 101,102. Four credit hours. Not given every year.