1952-1953 Academic Catalog
General Information INTRODUCTION CEDARVILLE COLLEGE is located in a rural community, yet has the ad, vantage of being within easy driving distance of the cities of central and southwestern Ohio. Cedarville is in Greene County, Ohio, forty,six miles southwest of Columbus and sixty miles northeast of Cincinnati; it is twenty-two miles from Dayton, eleven from Springfield and eight from Xenia; bus lines between these cities follow routes 42 and 72 through the town. Cedarville College was established in 1894 as a liberal arts insti, tution; it grants the degree of Bachelor of Arts, of Bachelor of Science, and of Bachelor of Science in Education; and offers pre-professional curricula in a wide variety of fields. Cedarville College is approved by the Veterans' Administration for the education of World War II veterans under The Rehabilitation Act of 1944 (The G. I. Bill of Public Law 346) and the Vocational Rehabili, tation Act (Public Law 16) . RECOGNITION BY ITS CHARTER, issued under the laws of the State of Ohio, January 12, 1887, Cedarville College is recognized as a degree granting institution. On April 16, 1915 the State Department of Education recognized Cedar, ville College as an institution for the professional training of teachers. It is a member of the American Association of Colleges, Commission of Church,Related Colleges. HISTORY CEDARVILLE COLLEGE was originally conceived and founded by The Re, formed Presbyterian Church. In 1889 that group obtained a charter from the State of Ohio for the college. The first session opened September 9, 1894; that year thirty-six students enrolled, and classes were conducted in a rented house, formerly owned by The Reverend Hugh MacMillan, who had conducted an academy there in the middle years of the 19th century. Among the faculty members that first year was W. R. Mc, Chesney, later the president of the college. In another year the first college ,building, "Old Main", had been completed, and from 1895 classes have been conducted there. The Theological Seminary of the Reformed Presbyterian Church was moved to Cedarville in 1913, and continues to operate in close co, operation with the college. 6
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