1953-1955 Academic Catalog

FACILITIES Campus· Cedarv ille Baptist College and Bible Institute lies within the limits of Cedarville. The campus itself is extensive, p ar t of it the gift of friends l ike the late W. J. Alford, S r. On its southern ed ge, west of the Din– ing H a ll, is the b aseball diamond, a nd close t o the northe rn limi t, the foot – ball fie ld. 'the southea st com er of the campus is richly wooded with deciduou s t rees: maples, a buckeye, a linden, and w ith ever gr een s. The drive is lined v.rith ma ples a nd the forma l wa lk b order ed with a rbor v itae; a group of sp ruce trees stands before the Science H a ll a nd in the op en m ead ow to t he west, and solitary ma ples, ash a nd e lm here and there spread wide bra nches in full sun. T hese trees, the chief beauty of the campus, we re the gift of the la te White law R eid, who never for got that Ce darville was "home ." College H all. "Old M a in," built in 1895, is the oldest and the o ri ginal college building. I t has the spaciousness of a bygone day, when building costs were lower, but it has b een comple t ely mode rnized a nd rewired, a nd fluorescent lighting has been inst a lled . On its first floor are the administra– t ive offices, on t he second a nd third fl oors a re classrooms. S cience H all. Erect ed in 1922, Scien ce H a ll conta ins facilities for the physical sciences: classrooms and the chemical and physical la bora t o ries; other classrooms and the workroom of the art-education classes. Biological L aboratories. The new scien ce building, ma t er ials for whi ch were given to the college by the governme nt, was put up by the students themselves, except for the e lectrical wiring, the installation of the furnace, and the roofing. T he p urpose of the gift was to provide st orage for the surplus r adio and electron ic equipmen t, provided by t he government fo r t he u se of the Physics Department. The bu ilding is lar ge enough t o hou se a lso t he Biology Department: a large classroom with mode rn equipment, beginning and a d– vanced laboratory rooms, and the depa r tment office. The labor atories a re furnished with the latest equipment, including amp le preserved and demon– stration materials, visual a ids such as char ts and models, adequate m icro– scopic apparatus with complete slide series for the cur riculum offered, suf– ficient reagents, and faci lities for l iving plants and animals. Alford M emorial Gymnasium. The gymnasium was presented to the college by W. J. Alford in memory of his father and mother, Dr. and M rs. John Alford of B eave r Falls, Pennsylvania . The bui lding itself is the old est and has the most interesting hist ory of any now a part of Cedarvi lle Bap– tist College and Bible Institute. It was originally the R e formed Presbyterian Church, where the founding famili es of Cedarville township wo rshiped , and th period of its building is proclaimed by its Greek R eviva l architecture , the cornice and the square pilasters of its facade. Tradition says tha t Whitelaw Reid was baptized in this church. When the new R eformed Presbyterian church was built, Mr. Alford purchased the o ld one as a gift to the college, and contributed the money for its conversion into a gymnasium. N ow much enlarged, it cont a ins a bas-