1953-1955 Academic Catalog

ketball floor, which i u ed a lso for chapel , end for H omecoming and Alumni banquet . The fl oor J1a tiers of wide bleacher space on each side, a nd at one end a tage, u ed during schoo l hours as a phys ical education classroom . There are al o locker rooms, a tra ining room a nd offi ces for the men's and \VOmen's Directors of l>hysical Educati on. Library. The library building was the gift of the la te Andrew Carnegie. By an a rrangement made several years ago, the College Library became a part of the Greene County Libra ry System , so that fa culty and students have full access to about one hundred and fifty periodicals and the 34,000 books which are in X enia and which wi ll be sent to Cedarvil le on request . P ermanently s he lved in the Cedarville Library are over 12,000 volumes, including specialized collections built up over the years by the College . A student lounge and recreation room are located on the street fl oor. H arriman H all. The residence h a ll for women, which has room for six– t een girls, was given to the college by a friend and member of t he congrega– t ion of the la t e W . P . H a rriman , who had at one time been the ministe r of the Presby te ri an Church in Cedarville, and a membe r of the B oard of Trustees of th(' College. The hall was named in honor and memory of him. The girls' rooms, on the second floor are comfortably furnished; on the first fl oor , is a faculty apartment. In the basement a re laundry facilities. Rife Hall. The Rife homestead, jus t north of what used to be the campus boundary, was presen ted t o the college aft e r her mother's death by Miss Ca rr:e Rife (Mrs. R . A. J amieson ) . M iss R ife taught a t the college until her m arriage, a nd her f amily have attended and been friends of Cedarville fer many years. The h a ll was named in her and their honor. The firs t floor i ~ a fa cu lty a pa rtment a nd the second floor is a girls' dormitory, with r ooms fol fift een. Dormitory. The "B a rracks ' is so nickname d because the Federal G ov– ernment gave it to the College a fte r the end of World War II. Brought to Cedarville and re-erected n ear Rife H al l, it is now a girls' dormitory whic:i accommodates about forty-five women stude nts. D ining H all. Though formerly known as the R ecreat ion Buil ding, a la rge m odern ki tchen has been added and the building changed into the dining hall. STUDENT ACTIVITIES Devotional . In addition t o private d evotions and week;y dormitory p:-ayer meetings, the students m ee t regularly for h a lf-hour prayer meeting:; before class sessions begin. Specia l d ays of prayer are conducted throughout the year. Praise, praye r worship a nd pract ical Christian living and service are st ressed during daily chapel p eriods. S ocial. The fall recaption in charge of the Faculty, the Christmas party, the spring f ellowsh ip, the annua l Institute Ban que t in M ay, and other social events under the direction of the Socia l Committee provide wholesome fei lowsh ip for the students. - 12-