1953-1955 Academic Catalog

, Christian Service. Personal soul winning, tract distribution, house t o house visitation , Sunday S chool classes, Bible Clubs, gospel t eams, radio br oad cast s and services in churches, jails, hospita ls, and missions provide practical experie nce in Christian service. Some of the stude nts serve as p as– t ors of churches, church secret a ries, church visitors, e t c. B. B. I . gospel teams have been used of God t o bring salva tion and edification t o many souls. Student Council. All stude nt activities a re carried on unde r s tudent leade rship a nd pla nning with the adv ice of a faculty membe r a ppointed by the Executive Committee. Election t o the Stude nt Council is a distinct honor . , Musical Organization s. The re a re ma ny activities for the students with musical t a le nts. Opportunities a re g iven t o t ak e p a rt on school programs as we ll as on gosp el teams. A school choir offers excellent training and exper ien ce for the stude nt. STANDARDS OF CONDUCT E ach studen t is required t o sign a st a t eme nt signifying his willingness t o a bide by the rules and regulati ons of the school. If a stude nt is not willing t c, submit h is p ersona l life t o the di scipline of the Word of G od, he will neither e n joy nor profit by his s tudies in Cedarv ille Ba ptist College and Bible Instit ute. Students who d o not voluntarily coop e ra t e with the s t a nda rds of ccnduct both while at school a nd while at home on vacation, may b ~ i11vited t o withdraw a t any time. Stude nts a re urged to set aside a de finite p eriod each day for private devotion s. R egular a ttendance at stude nt praye r meetings and chap e l exercises a id the s tudent in ma intaining a healthy spiritua l life . All s tude nts are required to att e nd regula rly t he services of the church which is a pproved b3· the schoo l. All single students a re required to live in the d ormitories a nd to eat in the dining h a ll unless they have specia l permission t o live e lsewhe re . Dormitory studen ts are required to furnish the ir own t owe ls, washcloths, blankets, bedspreads, sheets, pillowcases, dresser scarfs, a nd desk lamps. All these articles should have proper ide ntification marks. M arr ied s tudents mus t provide t he ir own living qua r ters. The school will assist in locating p roper .housing. Students who marry b efore completing the ir courses will be required t o leave school un less perm ission has been ob tained from the Executive Committee. Permission for the use of cars must be secu red from t he D ean of S t u – dents. Although not able to guarantee employment the school seeks to ass is t needy students in securing part-time employment t o help them meet n ec– e~sary school expenses. Students are not permi tted to wor k more t han 24 hours a week and carry a fu ll course of studies. - 13-