1953-1955 Academic Catalog

• • CHAPEL The tudents and faculty meet together each day for worship and f el– l0w hip in a chapel service. Every student is required to attend. Faculty members, visiting pastors, teachers, evangelists and missionaries have charge of these programs. SESSIONS The regular school year consists of two semes ters of eighteen weeks ea ch, extending from September to June. Credits a re earned in terms of semester hours. A sem ester h our is one recitation, lecture, or laboratory pe– r1od a week for one semester. As a n illustration, a student completing the work required in fifteen such periods a week for one semes te r receives credit for fifteen semester hours. ADMISSION OF VETERANS Cedarville Baptist College and Bible Institute has been approved by the Veterans Administration for the education of veterans under the provi– sion of Public Law 346 and Public Law 16. Admission requirements are the same for veterans as non-veterans. T o r egist e r and receive the benefits of the G. I. Bill and Rehabilitation Act the veteran must present a certificate of eligibility obtained through his local vet erans administration officer. A veteran transferring to Cedarville Baptist College and Bible Institute must furni sh a Supplementary Certificate of Eligibility. FRESHMAN WEEK In order to give freshmen an opportunity t o adjust themselves to their new surroundings, the College and Bible Institute sets aside a period at the beginning of the fall semester for their reception and registration. During these days the freshmen become acquainted with the campus and the faci li– ties provided for their instruction and welfare. Selected upperclassmen and members of the faculty greet the new students and assist them in adapting t o student life . During this period, placement tests in English and a general psycho– logical examination will be given to all entering freshmen . These t es ts must be taken before a student can fully complete registration . On Friday after Labor Day all freshmen are request ed t o attend a spe– cial freshman assembly. At this time the President will address the new st udents and the program for Freshman Week will be outlined. Freshmen who miss or arrive late for this program will experience considerable d elay and cc,nfusion in starting their college work. YOUTH BIBLE CONFERENCE An outstanding Bible teacher is invited for special services the open– ing week of each school year. September 16-20, 1953, the speaker will be Dr. R obert T. Ketcham, National Representative of the G eneral Associ~– t ion of R egular Baptist Churches.