1953-1955 Academic Catalog
Academic Procedures REGISTRATION The officia l dates of registration fo r each session are lis t ed in the school ca lendar. Pre-registration p eriods may be designated for students in residence. R egistrat ion consist s of the following procedures : 1. Arrangem ent of schedule. E ach student is responsible for ar– ranging his course of study for the forthcoming session . He should consult his faculty advisor concerning any scheduling difficulties. 2. Approval of sch edule. Each s tudent must have his schedule ap– proved by his facu lty advisor. 3 . Pay ment of fees. The registration card must be signed by the busi– ness ma nager before registrati on is considered complete. LIMITATION ON HOURS EACH SEMESTER The normal college load is 16 semester hours. F reshmen are limited t o 17 hours p er semest er ; and upperclassmen are limited t o 17 except where their accumulative point average indicates the advisabi li ty of taking addi– tional work. The following accumulative averages are requi red for excess hours as listed: 18 hours 19 hours --------------~----------~------~------------------------------- ~-~-----------~------------------------------------------------ 2.00 or better 2.50 or better An additional tuition fee of $ 10.00 per hour is made fo r each hou r in e j cess of 17. THE GRADING SYSTEM Grading symbol s. Students are graded accord ing to their scholarship b) 1 the use of the fo llowing symbols : A, 100-94, excellent; B , 93-85, good ; C, 84-78, fair; D , 77-70, passing with work inferior to t he average; I , incom– plete; and F , denot in g failure and no credit. I n the requir ed physical edu– c~ tion courses the symbols S , satisfact ory, and U unsatisfa ctory- no credit, a re u sed. U se of grades f or guidance. Grades a re issued at the end of six weeks and of twelve weeks. The purpose of these preliminary m arks is t o indicate t o the student the courses in which he nee ds to improve the quality o r quan– tiy of his work. This information should help him to raise low grades b~– fc,re the semest e r ends and they become final. :.--18-::- . .. •
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