1953-1955 Academic Catalog

, The grades received in courses are also useful to indicate to the s tu– dent the fields for which he has the greatest aptitude. A s tudent with low grades in a major or mino r fie ld is advised to select anothe r field of concen– tration. The mark " Incomple te" is given when a student has d one satisfactory work in q class but has b een unable t o complete a l l the required work b e ca use o f conditions b eyond his contro l. The work may be made up within two weeks. If it is not completed during that period the " incomple t e" b e– comes an F. CHANGES IN SCHEDULE Changes in schedule are permitted before the e nd of the second week o f classes. The student who wishes to drop one course a nd add another is required to present to the Reg is trar a st a t em ent of permission signed by the advisor and the instructor of the class he is entering. The s tudent is re– quired to make up any work he has missed due to late entrance. Withdrawal from courses mus t b e reported t o the Registrar with a statement o f permission by the student's advisor. N o grade is e nte red for the class if it is dropped during the first two weeks. Afte r two weeks the grade wil l be entered as WP, withdrawn passing, o r WF, withdrawn failing. I n calcu lating grade points and academic p oint averages the R egis trar shal l count as F a ll WF grades entered after the week twe lve-week grades are announced. GRADE P OINTS AND POINT AVERAGE S Cedarville B aptist College and Bible Institute uses what is ca lled the "grade point system" t o determine the exact academic aver age. Grade points a re awarded as fo llows: Each semester h our of A 3 grade points Each semester hour o f B 2 grade p oints E ach semester hour o f C 1 grade p oint Each semester hour o f D O g rade p oints No grade p oints are given for a grade of F , failing, o r U , unsatisfactory. A grade of S, satisfactory, does not give grade points, a lthough it does give credi t . The accumula t ive point average is determined by dividing the total number o f grade points rece ived by the total number of semester hours for \\: l11ch grades have been given. Iflustrations: If a student has received an A in a three-hour course, he 1nultiplies the number of hour~ of A ( 3) times the merit p oint awarded for eacl1 hour o f A (3) and find that he l1as a t otal of 9 grade points for tl1e course. If l1e has r ceived a C in a two-hour cours , he multiplies the 11umber of hours of C ( 1 ) by tl1e grade p oin t:, awarded for each hour of ( 1) and J1as two grade points for the course. - 19- •