1953-1955 Academic Catalog
As ume that at the end of his sophomore year a student has 64 semester l1ours of credit and 128 grade points. To determine his accumulative point a\ erage, he divide the grade points ( 128) by the hours of credit ( 64 ) and find that he has a point average of 2. I n1port an ce of the point average. The point average of a student is u ed t o indicate hi scho lastic attainment a nd should be ca lculated at the end of each semester. A student whose p oint average for a ny one semester falls below 1 is placed on proba tion . A minimum accumulative point av– erage of 1 is required for graduation from any d egree program o r program leading t o t eacher certification. MINIMUM ACADEMIC GRADE POINT AVE RAGE S A student whose average falls below 1.00 is placed on probation fo r the fo llowing semester. Twelve semester hours are carried during the pro– bation period , and a point average of 1.00 must be a chieved in order to b e removed from probation. During the period of probation a student may b e required t o attend con ferences or specia l classes designed to discover and, if possible, correct tl:e conditions that have prevented him from maintaining average grades. If he does not attain the required poin t average during the probation period he is s ubject to dismissal. REQUIRED CLASS ATTE NDANCE R egula r attendance in classes and chapel is necessary for the student t o receive the full benefit of his college experience. The Student Council and administration have set the foll owing regu lations to govern attendance. In gene ral, students are permitted to b e absent from a c lass withou t excuse the number of times that the class meets each wee k. For example, 3 student may be absent from a three-hours course three times. H owever. each absence from a class on the day before or after a school holiday o r , ,acation is counted as two absences. Being tardy for class three times con– stitutes on e absence. A student who is unable t o attend classes because of illness is excused u pon presentation of a written statement from the school nurse. Students who find it necessary t o be absent because of emergencies at home should no tify the D ean of Students in order to be excused. Students who are absent from class without excuse in excess of the permitted absen ces are subject to a system of penalties based on the low– c1 ing of the gr ade point total by one-half grade point for each excess ab– sence. Afte r each absence, excused or unexcused, the student is required t o rr.ake up the work he has missed . It is the responsibility of t he student t o find out from his instructor how he can make up the work. lt is also his re– sponsibility to prep a re fo r the class meeting that fo llows his absence. - 20- •
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