1953-1955 Academic Catalog
, Honors and Awards DEAN'S HONOR LIST Until final awards are announced at commencement, the highest aca– demic honor it is possible to attain at Cedarville is to be included on the D ean's honor list. This list of high-ranking students is published at the end of each regular semester. The requirements for the Dean' s Honor List are as fol lows: ( 1) A student must have an average for the semester of 2.5 grade points \vhich are earned as explained above: each hour of "A" receives 3 grade points; each hour of "B", 2 grade points; each hour of "C", 1 grade p oint; each hour of "D ", 0 grade p oints. The average is arrived at by total– ing the number of grade points a nd di viding the t otal by the numbe r of hours the student is carrying. ( 2) A student must have no grade for the semester lower than a "B". (3) A student must carry a minimum of 12 semester hours of college v,ork. ( 4 ) A student must comple t e every course he is taking by the end of the semester, when grad es a re turned in by the faculty. Any grade of " incomplete" will preclude a student's candidacy for the Dean's H onor List. GRADUATION W ITH HONORS Upon recommendat ion of the faculty, a student who earns a grade point average of 2.5 wi ll be graduated "cum laude"; one who earns a grade point average of 2.85 will be graduated "magna cum laude"; and one who earns a grade point average of 3.0 will be graduated "summa cum laude." ANNUAL TROPHIES The President's Trophy is an annual award of the col lege for which all members o f the student body are eligible. The recipient of the award is judged on the basis of scholastic ability, character, leadership and sports– manship. A committee consisting of the President, the Dean of Students and the R egistrar make the annual selection. The trophy was given to the College by E . H. Miller. 1 he Scholarsh,p Trophy is awarded annually at commencement . Eli gibility i::1 open to all members of the student body. Tl1e trophy wi ll be awarded to the atud nt who has attained the highe t schola t ic average during th cademic year in which the award is made. This tropl1y wa donated t o the College by J osten' , Inc. - 21-
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