1953-1955 Academic Catalog
5. L abora tory S cien ce- 8 hours of one laboratory science. Candidates for the B ache lor of Sc ien ce degree take courses prescribed in that degree program. Studen ts in e lementary education may take Biology ( 101 ) and Gen e ral Science ( 192) . 6. Phys ica l Education-6 semester hours ( no grade points) MAJOR FIELD REQUIREMENTS . In addition to the above general require– ments, tl1e following a re also required: ( 1 ) A major in any field of special– izotio11 requires at least thirty semester hours. Courses indicated above may b e included in the respective majors. ( 2) A major in Bible requires at least thirty semes te r hours , some of which are prescribed courses and others of which are e lectives. OBJECTIVES OF CEDARVILLE BAPTIST COLLEGE The objectives of the Cedarville Baptist College are two-fold: ( 1) those p e rta ining t o our Christian faith , and ( 2) those pertaining to our relationships \Vith this grea t land in which we are privileged to live. R ega rding our Chris tian faith, Cedarville Baptist College stands firmly on the Old and N ew T estaments, verbal ly inspired, dispensationally and l it e ral ly interpreted, and premillennia lly understood. We are a part of the stream of orthodox, historic, fundamenta l, conservative Christianity and share a ll of the great doctrines that have been surely believed among all true Bible-b e liev ing Christians from Paul's day to the present, and on which the General Association of R egu lar Baptist Churches is founded . The Lord Jesus Christ is the center of our entire College program and it is the sin– cere d esire of the Board of Trus tees, Faculty, and Staff to exalt Him and give Him a ll the glory due His name "which is above every name." As the vir– gin-born, sinless, crucified , risen, coming only begotten Son of the Living God H e deserves first place in our entire College curricu lum. It is the desire of the Cedarville Baptist College to graduate students from its halls of learning with a definite conviction relative to the great B ible truths that have been accepted by fundamental Bible believers from the beginning of the Christian era. This living faith in a living L ord should be ca rried over into whatever field of endeavor the graduate of Cedarville B a ptis t College might undertake. R egarding our relationship with this great land in which we live, Ce– darville Baptis t College stands firmly on the Constitution of the United Stat es, originally penned by free men in order to insure the blessings of liberty to themselves and their posterity. We are of a firm belief that, though this d ocument was written by fallible men, it stands as the greatest d ocument of human liberty ever devised by mortal man. We offer in explan– ation of this the fact that our Constitution was founded upon the Bible in principl e and precept. We believe that this Constitution should be inter– pre ted strictly, not loosely; literally, not allegorically. We stand on the side c f conservative thinking in the fi elds of economics, political science, history, scc io logy, education and science, making no apologies whatever fo r this -26--- .... • •
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