1953-1955 Academic Catalog

Arts and Sciences COURSES OF STUDY OFFERED 1. Arts, leading to the degree of Bache lor of Arts. 2. Science leading to the degree of Bachelor of S cience. 3. Pre-professional preparation. 4. Secretarial training. BACHELOR OF ARTS REQUIREMENTS FOR DEGREES; INCLUDING BACHELOR OF ARTS a. Bible, 16 semester hours. b. English 12 semester hours. c. Speech 4 semester hours. d. History, 6 semester hours. e. P olitical Science, 3 semester hours. f. Science, 8 semester hours. g. Physical Education, 6 senes~er hours ( activity courses). SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE, BACHELOR OF ARTS a . Ethics 3 semester hours. b. Philosophy, 3 semester hours . c . P sychology, 3 semester hours. d . Sociology, 3 semester hours. e. Foreign Language, 12-16 semes~er hours. Courses in one language for two years, or one year in each of two two languages. f. A Maj or Study- Thirty hours in one department, the sequence to be approved by a member of the department. g. A Minor Study- Fifteen hours to be selected from a department related to the major study. Completion of the foreign language re– quirement does not fulfill the requirement for a minor. h. Elective Studies-in addition to those specified above to an amount s ufficient to make a total of one hundred and twentv-six semester - hours. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE REQUIREMENTS FOR DEREES, INCLUDING BACHELOR OF SCIENCE As listed above under Bachelor of Arts except f or General S cience. -28-