1953-1955 Academic Catalog

, SPECIAL R£QUI~M£NTS FOR THE DEGREE, BACHELOR OF Scr:ENCE a. Requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science are the same as for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the fo llowing departments. Ethics Philosophy Sociology F oreign Lan.guages b. Biological Science, 16 hours. Psycho logy General Zoology, 8 hours; General Botany, 8 hours. c. Phys ical Science, 24 hours . General Chemistry, 8 hours; Qualitative Analysis or Organic Chemistry, 8 hours; General Physics, 8 hours. d . Mathematics, 10 hours. College Algebra, 3 hours; Trigonometry, 3 hours; Analytical Geometry, 4 hours. e. R egulations regarding the maj or and minor studies are the same as f or the Bachelor of Arts d egree, but are automaticaliy fulfi lled b; tl : t' added r equ irements for the science dagree. PRE-PROFESS IONAL PREPARATI ON C ~darville offe r ;; basic courses applicable to pr~-profess:onal prep a r!l– tion i11 a varie y of fields. The small classes and personal attent ion p ossible at Cedarville has proved helpful to many now in profess ional work. PRE-PROFESSIONAL (SCIENCE) Cedarville offers two years of work toward preparation for the following professions. The programs of study are arranged according to the require– ments of the professional schools. Agriculture D en tistry Engineering M edicine Nursing Optometry Pharmacy Veteri nary M edicine TWO YEAR SECRETARIAL TRAINING COURSE This program is designed for young people desiring t o attend a Christian schooJ 1n preparation for service in the business field. - 29 -