1953-1955 Academic Catalog

IV. ELECTIVES TO TOTAL 126 HOURS A student may employ electives to broaden his gen eral back ground, to extend the minimum courses required , or t o include additional educational courses. Electives should b e selected with the aid of the advisor. REQUIREME NTS F OR T E ACHING F I ELDS The fo llowing requirements include those of the Ohio Sta t e D ep a rtment of Education and constitute minors. Students should consult thei r advisors concerning requirements for m ajor fi elds. Biological S cience ( 16 hours ) N ature Study 110; B otany 202; Zoology 22 1-222. English ( 15 hours) Engl ish 101- 102, 20 1-202 a re required. The requirement may b e com– pleted by either English 210 or 220, but both courses a re recommended. Genera l S cience ( 15 hours) B asic courses in physics, chemistry, and bio logy mus t b e included. H istory ( 15 hours) History 113-114, 205-206, plus an advanced course. L anguages ( 15 hours ) Prerequisite, two hi gh school units. F ifteen hours in the la n gu age in which certification is desired.. J\,1athematics ( 15 hours) F i fteen semester hours including College Algebra, Tri gonometry and Geometry. Physical Education ( 28 hours) 112 Principles ------- ----- __ ____ 3 12 1 Games --- --------------------2 212 P ersonal & Community H ygiene ___ _ 3 241 -242 P hysiology ---------- _____ _6 l'hysical Science ( 16 hours) Cl1emistry 101- 102 ; Physics 20 1-202. 3 11 Intramura ls __ ----------------- 2 3 12 M ajor Sports ___ _-------- - 2 411 M ethods of T eaching --------- 3 41 2 Organization _ ------- 3 421 Safety and Firs t Aid ------ 2 Elective --------------------------- 2 Social Stud res ( 40 hours. Majo r field on ly ) A comprehensive major fi e ld of for ty hours including American and European history. Economics, Politi cal Science, Geography, Sociology . There is no minor field in social studies. Stenography-Typing ( 20 hours) Consult with the Director of Teacher Education for specific courses. Bookkeeping-Social Business ( 20 l1ours ) Co11sult with the Director of Teacl1er Education for specific courses. D,ivert:,; Training ( 3 l1ours ) Not inc lud~d as a minor t o\vard gradua tion but added to teacl11ng cer- tificates as a special field . P E . 430. - 35-