1953-1955 Academic Catalog

FOREUJORD This is the first issue of a catalog in the name of Cedarville Baptist College and Bible Institute, but it represents two institutions that already have outstanding records of achievement in the educational field ; Cedarville College, chartered in 1887, and the Baptist Bible Institute of Cleveland, chartered in 1942. Although Cedarville College has a Reformed Presbyterian background and the Bible Institute has always operated as an institution approved by the General Associ'ation of Regular Baptist Churches, it is astounding to no~e the oneness of spirit and purpose which has characterized each school. Both institutions were established by groups of Bible-believing Chris– t :ans with the primary motive of providing training of the hig'1est scholastic standard with a definite Biblical emphasis and without compro:nising Chris– t ian convictions and conduct. As an evidence of its standard, the seal of Cedarville College bears the inscription pro corona et foedere Christi ( " for the crown and covenant of Christ"). This is in perfect accord with the doctrine of the B apt:st B :b .e Institute which is definitely premillennial and therefore teache:; the second coming of Christ when He shall be crowned and shall reign as King of Kin 6 s and Lord of Lords, ( R evelation 19: 12 "and on His head were many crow:i.s" ; Revelation 19: 6 "And he hath on his vesture and e n his th: g:-i a r.ame writ– ten, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS' ) . T h:s do : : r :ne, as \VJll as the assurance of salvation by grace through faith, is established upon the work of the Lord Jesus Christ whereby He provided a p erfect, eterna. salva– tion for every born-again believer through His own precious blood of the New Covenant, (Matthew 26: 28 "For this is my blood of the n ew testa– ment [Greek, "covenant"] which is shed for many for the remiss:on of sins"). It is now the purpose of the Trustees and Faculty of the Cedarville B ap– tist College and Bible Insti tute t o continue the good work of both institu– tions in the spirit and with the purpose se t forth in the S cripture text on the Baptist Bible Institute seal, "That ye might walk worthy of the Lor d unto all p leasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God." ( Colossians 1: 10 ). -4- • •