1953-1955 Academic Catalog

• 110 NATURE STUDY A course well adapted for prospective teachers. Principally field acquaintance with local flora and fauna. Two 2-hour field trips per week. Four hours credit. 202 BOTANY A course required of all majors and .minors in which the principles of plant organization and function are studied with particular emphasis on sper– matophytes. Some plant ecology and genetics are included. 3 lectures and one 3 hour laboratory per week 4 hours credit. 22 1-222 GENERAL ZOOLOGY A compre hensive full year' s study required of all majors and minors. The principles of organization, physiology, ecology, development and genetics a1e thoroughly presented, and a survey of representative animal forms both i11vertebrate and vertebrate is included. 3 lectures and one 3 hours laboratory per week 4 hours credit per semester. Given every year. 260 HUMAN HEREDITY AND EUGENICS Application of hereditary principles to man. Discussion of methods of analyz– ing human pedigrees and the gene frequencies of human populations and races. Three lectures and one laboratory per week. Four hours credit. Pre– requisites: A course in biology. 3 51 ENTOMOLOGY A comprehensive study of insects and their near relatives in which principles of external and internal morphology, histology, physiology, development, and ]jfe histories are emphasized. Prerequisite- Zoology 221-222. Required of all majors. 3 lectures and two 3 hour laboratories per week 4 hours credit. 401 EXPERIMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY Advanced. L aboratory work in certain phases of animal physiology, both in– vertebrate and vertebrate. Emphasis is on experiments with respiration, endocrine, neural and behavior physiology particularly in aquatic forms. Prerequisite- Zoology 22 1-222, college courses in physics and chemistry. Required of all majors- 5 hours of laboratory per week- 2 hours credit. 4] 2 PARASITOLOGY A tudy in medical zoology in which the principles of parasitism are en– countered and a complete survey made of the protozoan, helminth, and arthropod parasite of man and domesticated animals. Emphasis is given the n1orphology, 1dentification. life hi tory, ecology, pathology and control of eacl1 i11dividual para ite. Prerequi ite Zoology 22 1-222. Required of all majors. 3 1 ctures and two 3 hour laboratorie per week. 4 hours credit. 420 BIOLOGY PROBL MS J:>equi1 d o f majors and xclusiv ly for th m. A paper on ei ther laboratory or Ii bra, y i11vestigation 011 a sp cific t op or pl1a e of biology, u ually as igned b)' tl1e department. Tl1e inv t1gatton i not nece ar1ly original, but mu t