1953-1955 Academic Catalog

EDUCATION ELEMENTARY EDUC ATION I 190 ARITHMETIC FOR TEACHERS A t reatment of the fundamentals of arithme ti c, including fractions, decimals, percentage, thought problems, e t c., and su ch numbe r concepts as are d eemed necessary for the t eaching of the sciences a nd o the r subjects of the public schoo l. N ot op en to students who a re ma joring o r minoring in ma thematics. Two hours credit. 200 M ETHODS OF T EACHING ARITHMETIC A study of the methods of t eaching arithmetic in the firs t eight grades, the principles upon which they are based , and the influe nce of scientific s tudies upon the course of study and methods. Two hours credit. 203 R EADING M ETHODS Different methods of teaching reading are evaluate d ; b asic t exts are examined; vocabularies s tudied; charts and lesson pla ns made; demon strations given. Three hours credit. 204 LANGUAGE ARTS D emonstra tions are given a nd studies m ade of how to present and teach ora l a nd written composition , spelling, and writing, in the e leme nta ry grades. Two hours credit. 206 CHILD GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT This course is designe d t o present a general v iew of the spiritua l, physical , emotional, social and mental development of children from prenatal life to the ado lescent p e riod. Three hours credit. 241 CHILDREN' S LITERATURE A study of source materials, standards of selection , and me thods of presenta– tion of pertinent literature for elementary school children. Three hours credit . 300 TEACHING HANDWRITING The me thodo logy of t eaching handwriting in the e lementary grades and the improveme nt of writing ability. One hour credit. 350 CONTENT METHODS ( TEACHING THE SOCIAL STUDIES ) Effective means of teaching history, geography science and community life in the light of modern principles are studied. Three hours credit. 400 ELEMENTARY STUDENT TEACHING Observation, participa tion , and t eaching is done under supe rvising t eachers in Cedarv ille Public Schools and other e lementary schools in the immediate vicinity. Individual and group conferen ces are he ld. Six hours cr edit. .--49-. • •