1953-1955 Academic Catalog
GREEK . .. . 101-102 BEGINNING GRitEK P e radigms, rules, and exer cises in tra nslation. Four hours credit per semester. 20 1 ANABAISIS L Translation, syntax, composition, with hist orical referen ces. F our hours credit. 202 HOMER B ooks I to IV of the Iliad, scanning, mythology, syntax. F our hours credit. 303-304 GREEK NEW TESTAMENT N ew Testament Greek, emphasizing peculiarities of form and exegesis with a rapid reading of various portions. 2 semesters. Three hours credit per semester. 403-404 GREEK EXEGESIS Analytical interpretation from a Greek viewpoint. 2 semesters. Three hours credit per semester. HEBREW 101-102 HEBREW A thorough drill is given in etymology, syntax, and paradigms. F our hours cred it p er semes te r . 201-202 ADVANCED HEBREW Three hours credit per semester. 10 1-102 ELEMENTARY LATIN LATIN Grammar and exercise. Four hours credit per semester . 201-202 ELEMENTARY LATIN AND CAESAR Continuation of grammar, and four books of Caesar. F our hours credit per semester. 30 1-302 CICERO' S ORATIONS F'our hours credit per semester. 311-312 VIRGIL R eading from the Aeneid. Four hours credit per semester. 321 CICERO De Ami ci t ia and De Senectute, with a r eview of inflect ed forms and syntax. Three hours credit. N ot given every year. 33 1 HORACE Copious selections from the Odes, Satires, and Epistles are made the basis for a study of Latin P oetry. Three hours credit. N ot given every year. 371 LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION Open t o those wishing a major or minor in Latin. T wo to four hours credit. - 52- •
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