1953-1955 Academic Catalog

303-304 PHYSICAL EDUCATION ( WOMEN ) A continuation of Phys ical Education 203-204. R equired o f a ll junior women. One hour credit. PROFESSIONAL COURSES 112 PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICAL E DUCATION A s tudy and discussi.on of the a ims and objectives of Phys ical Education in– cl uding historical d evelopment, relation t o the gen e ral fi eld of education, and a1 alysis of present -day programs and methods in terms of objectives. Three hours c redit. 121 METHOC·S OF T E ACHING GAMES OF LOWER ORGANIZATION A study of the theories offe red in explana tion of the play tendency. Meth – ods of teaching games stunts, and activities adaptable to grades one throu gh t~telve· methods of presenting m a t e rials and activities in schoo ls, gymna– siums, and play grounds. Two hours cre dit. 2 11 P ERSONAL AND COMMUNITY HYGIENE A study of those hea lth practices, unde r standings and attitudes which affect the p e rsonal fitness of the individual and the welfare of the community in which h e lives. Three hours credit. 22 1 RECREATIONAL LEADERSHIP T o develop leadership among those inte rest e d in recreational activities, camp– ing, and hobbies. Two h ours credit. Elective . 241-242 ANATOMY ANO PHYSIOLOGY A course designed to give s tudents who are planning t o teach in the a rea of physical edu cat ion basic understandings with respect t o the structure and f un ctions of the human body. It includes a treatment of bas ic anatomical and physiological con cepts pertinent t o the physical education program. Three hours credit p e r semester. 3 11 INTRAMURAL$ A CTIVITIES A study of recreational acti ·vities, their rules, hist ory, place in phys ical edu– cation and recreational program s. Practice and methods of t eaching ski lls in speedbal l touch footba ll, b aske tball, b adminton , table tennis, wrestling, etc. I ncludes laborat o ry experiences. Two hours credit. 312 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MAJOR SPORTS ( MEN ) A study of mod e rn methods of coaching football, basketball , b aseb a ll , track , and tennis, w ith actual instruction and p a rtic ipation in either varsity, junior varsity, o r intramura l program s. Two hours credit. 322 THEORY AND PRACTICE ( W OMEN ) Lectures. and practical expe rience in basketball, field h ockey soccer , soft– ba ll, and vol leyba ll. Student s wi ll be given an opportuni ty t o officiate and c;oach t he various sp orts. T wo h ours credit. •