1953-1955 Academic Catalog
114 THE UNITED STATES FROM 1865 A continuation of 113, which is the prerequisite. "tht'ee houl's credit. 205 EUROPE TO 172 5 Development of western civilization from the decline of R ome to about 1725. The heritage of H e lle nic a nd earlier civilizations is rev iewed briefly. Em– phasis is upon the deve lopment of the state and other modern institutions. Three hours credit. 206 EUROPE FROM 1725 Pre requisite is 205. A continuation of 205. The development of revolution– a ry doct rines during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and the back– ground of the modern world wars a re emphasized. Three hours credit. 301 HISTORY OF OHIO P rerequisite, 114. R ise and progress of p olitical a nd socia l institutions in Ohio from the t ime of exploration. Offered a lternate years. Two hours credit. 305-306 CHURCH HISTORY A survey of the ori gin and development of the Church from the Apostoli\'.: P e r iod to the present. Three hours credit per semest e r. 310 TEACHING OF HISTORY AND CIVICS IN SECONDARY SCHOQLS M odern me thods of teaching history and civics in junior and senior hi gh schools. Pre requisite: a major or minor in history or social studies. T wo hours credit. 3 11 SURVEY OF ENGLISH HISTORY Prerequisi te, 206. A short hist ory of England from the R oman occupation throu gh World Wa r II with emphasis on contributions made to western civilization . Alte rnate years. Three hours credit. 3 13 THE UNITED STATES ( 1900-PRESENT) The polit ical, social, re ligious and economic d evelopments in the United States from 1900 t o the present. Discussions, readings, and re ports. Pre– requisite 113-1 14. Offered a lternate years. Three hours credit. 410 PROBLEMS IN AMERICAN HISTORY A research course on individual topics. Prerequisite, fifteen hours of his– t ory including 113-114. T wo-three hours credit. Either 410 or 420 required of ma jors. 420 PROBLEMS IN E UROPEAN HISTORY Prerequisi t e, fifteen hours of history including 205-206. R esearch problem of specia l interest to the student. T wo-three hours credit. - 56- • • 1n some •
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