1953-1955 Academic Catalog
20 l HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY- PART I A study of early Greek philosophy, philosophy of the R e li gious Period, and the thought of the Middle Ages. Three credit hours. Elective. 202 frISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY- PART II The M odern P eriod, systems of rationalism, Empiricism, German ideal ism, and more recent te ndencies in philosophy. Three credit hours. Elective. P rer equisite 201. 301 CHRISTIAN EVIDENCES AN.D APO·LOGETICS An investigation o f the grounds of Christian Faith in the Biblical, historical, and archaeological records, plus the verification of faith in the Christian e>:p e rience. Also a reasoned defen se and vindication of the Christian position against critical attacks and non-Biblical inte rpretations. Required of all Junio rs. Two h ours credit. 302 ETHICS Theor e tica l and practical ethics. Biblical e thics a re contrasted with other ethical system s. Three credit hours . Required of a ll A. B. students. 304 PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION The orig in, development, and nature of r e ligion ; the growth and unde rs tand– ing of r e ligi ous be lief. Three credit hours. Elective. 401 LOGIC T e rms, propositions, syllogisms, fallacies. Three cr edit hours. Elective.. PHYSICAL SCIENCES CHEMISTRY 10 1- 102 G ENERAL CHEMISTRY Art introduction to chemical princ iples and lab or a t ory technique. A study of atomic and molecular structure as a basis for the study o f the various c:lements and their compounds as to occurrence, properties, and u se. L ecture two h our s, laboratory two three-hour p e riods p e r week throughout year. Students work individually in la b or a t ory. Prer equisite, high school algebra. Four credit hours. 201 -202 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY A genera l introductory course o f the carbon compounds including both the aliphatic and aromatic series. Two hours lecture and t wo three-h our laboratory pe riods per week throughout the year. Pre requisite, Chemistry 101- 102. F our eredi t hours. 21 1 QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS Comprises all those procedures necessary for determining the compos1t1on of any given substance. Class work deals with so lution o f solubility product (ln d other advanced problems . Two hours class and two three-hour laboratory - S9--.
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