1953-1955 Academic Catalog
period per week. Pre requisit e, Chemistry 101-102, :Mathematics 120. Four credit hours. 301 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS The principles of gravimetric and volumetric analysis with the solution of practical laboratory problems. Two three-hour laboratory periods and two classes per week. Prerequisite, Chemistry 101-102 . F our credit hours. N ot • g1ven every year. PHYSICS 20 1-202 GENERAL PHYSICS A study of the laws of mechanics and heat as based on the atomic theory first semester. Second semest er a study of the laws of e lectricity, sound, a11d light. Two class periods and two two-hour laboratory periods per week. Prerequisite, Math 120-130. Four credit hours. 301 FUNDAMENTALS OF RADIO B as ic mate rial of rad io required for al l types of radio work both civil and military. Pre requisite, Physics 201-202, Math 120. PSYCHOLOGY 101 GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY This course is d esigned to provide an introductory under standing of the his. t ory, principles, and practices of psychology as related to the Bible. 3 hours credit. 206 ( Ed. 206) CHILD GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Required in elementary education. Three hours credit. 213 ( Ed. 213 ) EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Required of all education students. Three hours credit. 214 ( E d. 214 ) P SYCHOLOGY OF ADOLESCENCE Three hours credit. 301 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY E lective. Three hours credit. SOCIAL STUDIES ECONOMICS 201 PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS A study of fundamental economic principles as an aid in understanding our free enterprise system. Three hours credit. 202 PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS A continuation of 201, which is the prerequisite. Three hours credit. - 60- '
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