1953-1955 Academic Catalog

SOCIOLOGY 100 PRINCIPLES OF SOCIOLOGY Introduct ory course. A study of the structures and processes of social life . Three hours credit. 102 RURAL SOCIOLOGY An analysis of the culture, social institutions, and behavior of contemporary rural society, and a discussion of rural problems. Prerequisite. Sociology 100. Three hours credit. 201 MINORITIES IN THE UNITED STATES A study of the main minority groups in the United States; status and role in the American culture; social structure; values, sentiments and religious belief. Prerequisite, Sociology 100. Three hours credit. 303 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY RELATIONS A study of the present day marriage practices and the Biblical standard of family life. Prerequisite, Sociology 100. Three hours credit. 304 EDUCATIONAL SOCIOLOGY An advanced course in the application of sociological findings to educational programs. Prerequisite, Sociology 100. Three hours credit. SPEECH 100 FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEECH A study of the fundamental principles of effective speaking with practice in the preparation and delivery of speeches. Required. Two hours. 100 R REMEDIAL SPEECH A non-credit course which may be required of students in the department of education. Two meetings each week. 102 INTERPRETATIVE READING A continuation of 100. Two hours. 202 DEBATE A study of argumentation, analysis, extemperaneous arguments, and formal debates. Two hours credit. :-62- . - •