1953-1955 Academic Catalog

OBJECTIVES The courses of the B a ptist Bible Institute are Bible-centered and Christ centered, and designed primarily t o give a thorough knowledge of the W ord of God . Bible doctrine, spiritual life, and practical service are properly em– phasized. B elieving that the servants of Jesus Christ should have superior schola r ship, spiritual power, broad vision and holy passion, the Institute en– deavors to send forth those adequately trained to meet the challenge of the hour. Inasmuch as the Word of G od is the only thing that can meet the need of the human heart, it is the desire of Baptist Bible Institute to send forth students who have been so we ll trained in the methods and techniques of exposito ry preaching that they will be able to "preach the Word" effective ly so as to build up in the faith the believers to whom they minister and to lead any unbelievers with whom they come in contact to a personal , sa ving fa ith in the L ord Jesus Christ ( 2 Tim. 2: 2). Taking a positive stand against all denials of the faith once-for-all de– li vered to the saints, and teaching separation from forms of reli gious apos– t asy and erro r, the Institute places the infallible and inviolable Word of G od at the very center of its curriculum. The courses offe red by the Baptist Bible Institute have b een carefully p ~anne d for the purpose of providing varied training f or the fo llowing indi– viduals: 1. Persons planning t o become full -time, life-service workers, witnesses, teache r s, pastor s, missionaries, or evangelist s fo r Christ. 2. Young people who wish t o become estab lished in the fund ame nta l truths of the Wo rd of G od b efore a ttending college or seminary. 3. Graduates of colleges o r semina ri es who wish t o supplement their trai ning by a thorough s tudy o f the Bible unde r a consist e nt, dispensa tional , p remillenni a l, lite ra l interpre t a tion. 4 . P e rson s not sure they are ca lled or fitted for full -time C hristian work, who desire t o know G od 's plan and purpose for the ir lives, or who desire t o becom e mo re effective in the Lord 's serv ice throu gh the loca l chu rch . SCHOLARSHIPS 1. The T rus tees have made provi ion where by financial he lp can b e given to children of missionaries who are actively serving u nder board approved by the G. A. R. B. The e scholarship vary in amoun t with full tui tion allowance being the maximum limit. Please write the Busines Office for further informat1on. - 65-