1953-1955 Academic Catalog
• 2. One cholarship for a married non-veteran, or veteran who is not receiv– ing G .I. aid when he applies, includes full tuition for the semest er , and is a continuing scholarsh ip providing the requirements are m et. Apply at R egistrar's office. 3. A fund for student loans is a lso avai lable upon application at R egistrar's office. The student must be in a ttendance a t least on e semester, have at least average grades, and must have need of financial assis ta nce. These loans a re provided primarily for those who intend to complete thei r train– ing at the Insti tute. F or further information see the R egistra r. 4. A scholarship of $50.00 per semester is given t o any Institute student who contempla tes entering full-time Christian S ervice. F or those e ligible cont ac t the R egistra r 's Office. STUDENT DEFERMENT The following S ection from Se lective Service R egulations dated July 15, 1950, pertains t o the classification of ministers of religion and students of d ivinity. Class IV-D is a defe rred classification. " ( a) In Class IV-D shall be placed any registrant: ( 1 ) Who is a regu la r minis t e r of r e ligion ; ( 2) Who is a duly ordaine d minister of religion· ( 3) Who is a student preparing for the ministry under the direc– tion of a recognized church or re li gious or ganization and who is satisfactorily pursuing a full-time course of instruction in a recognized theological or divinity school; or ( 4 ) Who is a student pre paring for the ministry under the direc- tion of a recognized church or religious or ganization and who is satisfactorily pursuing a full-time course of instructi on lead– ing t o e ntrance into a recognized theological or divinity school in which he has been pre-enrolled ." 1:'he Institute is prepared to pre-enroll student s who are now Juniors or Seniors in hi gh school, with the understanding that, at the end of the hi gh school career, all grades and othe r requirements are acceptable. These prospective students should show evidence of seriou s intention for training and the lead ing of the L ord to full-time seri ce. The prospective student s church or pastor should be certa in of the student's inte ntion and forward nec– essary information to the R egistrar concerning the student's sincerity and genuineness in pursuing a ministeria l course. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Diplomas and D egrees are granted upon the following conditions: 1. Approved Christian char acter evidencin g spirituality, stabil ity, coope ra– tion, and soundness of doctrine. i Satisfactory grades in all subjects. . •
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