1953-1955 Academic Catalog
43 1, 4j2, SCIENCE SURVEY. A brie f survey of severa l of the leading sci– ences, ast ronomy, physics, chemistry, geology. This course is intended as , practica l introduction to science for the minister to acquaint him with a scientific unde rstanding t o be used in the ministry. Two hours credit. 441. PRINCIPLES OF TEACHING. Principles underlying successful teach– ing and methods used in the present day. (Elective.) T wo hours credit. 4 22. PRACTICE TEACHING. One hour of s upervised teaching, and one hour of conference dealing with methods and curriculum. Two hours credit. 451. METHODS OF BIBLE TEACHING. Advanced methods of Bible s tudy and experiments with various teaching t echniques. Two hours credit. 442. SEMINAR FOR B .R.E. (Elective). Some specia l area of theological study is select ed by the professor in line with the emphasis placed upon the major studies of the students, either Missionary or Christian Education. There is a lso student participation in the form of ora l and written class re– ports, and discussion periods. Two hours credit. VII DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGES 391. GREEK - GRAMMAR. An introductory course emphasizing vocabu– lary, forms, and syntax designed t o give a working knowledge of New T esta– ment Greek. F our hours credit. 392. GREEK - GRAMMAR AND READING. A continuation of 391 and including reading of various p ortions of the N ew T estament. F our hours credit. 471, 472. GREEK - EXEGESIS. A critica l and exegetical study of some of the important books of the N ew T estament designed to enable the student to apply his knowledge of the Greek by developing exegetical skill in un– derstanding the important practica l values, and doctrines of these books. Two hours credit. 541, 542. Greek - ADVANCED GRAMMAR AND EXEGESIS. This course is designed to give a study in advanced Greek grammar by using Dana and Mantley ' s Greek Grammar. This advanced grammar is used in exegeting various portions of the New Testament by integrating the practical and doc– trinal p ortions to a more complete knowledge of Greek. Two hours credit. VIII DEPARTMENT OF SACRED MUSIC 101. FUNDAMENTALS OF MUSIC. A course d esigned to give a working knowledge of the essentials of music, notes, scales, time, t erms, signatures, notation , tempo, rhythm, intervals, musical t erms, sight reading, and singing of simple melodies. One hour credit. c • • •
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