1955-1957 Academic Catalog

General Information • STUDENT COUNCIL. All student activities are carried on under student leader– ship and planning with the advice of a faculty member ap– pointed by the Executive Committee. Election to the Student Co11ncil is a dist inct honor. Occasionally the Student Council is r esponsible for the daily chapel period. MUSICAL ORGANIZATIONS. Ther e are many activities for the students with musical talents. Opportunities are given to take part in school pro– grams and on gospel teams. The school choir, several quar– tettes, and trios both instrumental and vocal offer excellent training and experience for the student. A pep-band which performs at a thletic contests gives opportunity for musical amusemen t. TRACT CLUB. A Tract Club functions for the purpose of supplying t r acts to the students for su ch distribution as the Lord ordains. The club distributes tracts to variou s schools in the vicinity and is concerned to see that the Word is widely distribu ted. MISSIONS FELLOWSHIP. This group, composed of all students interested in either foreign missions or home missions, meets at regular intervals for discussion and presentation of the needs of various fields and for intercessory prayer in their behalf. THE MIRACLE. A yearbook, ' 'The Miracle,' ' is published for the benefit of the college. Students are chosen for this task of editing, publislring, and distributing this yearbook. A faculty advisor, appointed by the Executive Committee, supervises this work. Stud 11ts who have had some p1~evious journalistic experience a1 e ligibl · for positions on the staff. 19